Oni Koi-koi [鬼こいこい - おにこいこい] is a Koi-koi variant for 2 players, played in the Gifu region in Japan.
Its rules are identical to Koi-koi, but the Phoenix card can be used as a wild card [鬼札 - おにふだ, onifuda].
If the Phoenix card is dealt in your hand, you must expose it to the other player. If you do, you may use the Phoenix card to capture any card on the field, regardless of its suit.
You may also choose not to expose it to the other player; in this case, the Phoenix card can only be used to capture a Paulownia card.
If the Phoenix card is dealt on the field, or drawn from the draw pile, it may be matched with a card of any suit, as long as it is not a Chaff.