Tengu (天狗), also known as Marufuku Tengu (丸福天狗), is Nintendo’s current middle-class brand of hanafuda decks, and was also used as a brand of kabufuda, mekurifuda, and other karuta decks in the past until sometime in the mid 1990’s.
It features a gold background, and a portrait of a red-skinned Tengu with a large, pointed nose and a long, wavy white beard. It is depicted holding a magical feather fan called hauchiwa (羽団扇).
Illustration of the label from the trademark submission in 1912.
It is one of 6 Nintendo brands to feature a Tengu in the label, the others being Kintengu, Gintengu, Ohtengu, Azuma Tengu, and Daitengu.
Brand names aside, this brand is treated as almost the same brand as Kintengu and Ohtengu, as all 3 brands feature a gold background and feature similar Tengu illustrations.
Label | Description |
“RTL Tengu”. Appears in the Nintendo Company Guide 2019. Possibly used in decks from the 1940’s and earlier. Illustration of the Tengu has more wrinkles and has a nostril, and the feathers of the fan are rounded. Text is written right-to-left. Bottom text reads ‘Yamauchi Nintendo’ (山内任天堂). | |
“Nihonichi Karuta Tengu”. Used as early as 1960. Illustration of the Tengu is slightly simplified, and the nostril is removed,and the feathers of the fan are pointed. Bottom text reads ‘Nihonichi Marufuku Karuta’ (日本一(福)かるた), a slogan borrowed from its similar brand, Kintengu. | |
“Nintendo Tengu”. A slight modification of the earlier label design used since around early 1970’s, and is still in use today. The ‘Nihonichi Marufuku Karuta’ slogan was replaced with the word ‘Nintendo’ written in its Japanese logo font. | |
Used in two-deck carton boxes from 1960’s to 1970’s. |