Peony [牡丹 - ぼたん, botan] is the name of a suit in traditional hanafuda decks. It is generally taken to be the sixth suit, representing the month of June [六月 - ろくがつ, rokugatsu] or the numeral 6.
The cards in this suit all feature red peony flowers. There are two Chaff cards, one Blue Ribbon, and one Animal. The Animal card of the Peony suit features butterflies [蝶 - ちょう, chō] fluttering above the fragrant peonies.
In a few games, including Tensho, an alternate month ordering is used, with the Peony suit representing November or the number 11 instead.
This card is part of the famous “Boar-Dear-Butterfly” [猪鹿蝶 - いのしかちょう, inoshikachō] yaku in Koi-koi and Roppyakken games.
This card often contributes to Ribbons yaku in games.
A peony flower.