Kyo No Hana (京の花, flowers of Kyoto), was one of Nintendo’s brand of hanafuda decks from the very early Showa era or possibly late Taisho era.
The label features a cherry tree full of pink cherry blossoms and branches supported by wooden stilts. At the bottom of the label is a fence separating the road and the hill where the cherry tree is.
It appears in the Nintendo Brands and Chihofuda Poster from early Showa era. However there hasn’t been found a Nintendo card catalogue of that era that mentions this brand.
Considering the fact that Miyako no Hana became a registered trademark in the Japan Patent Office in the year 1930, and that all brands from the Nintendo Poster appeared in the 1930’s Card Catalogue except Kyo no Hana, it appears that Miyako no Hana could have been an alternative brand of, if not the replacement brand for, Kyo no Hana.